Hot Stone Massage
Hot stone massage helps relieve tension, eliminate spasms and pain syndrome, as well as activate blood circulation. The effect of using stones is complemented by the impact on reflex zones using massage techniques.
Emerging from the earth, polished by water, sun and wind, stones are a source of natural and cosmic energy. The natural energy of stones eliminates tension and stress, weakens and neutralizes negative energy, redistributes energy from areas where it is in excess to areas where it is insufficient. Each stone carries its own energy, which has a positive effect on a person.
Hot stone massage has a beneficial effect on muscle relaxation, increases the intensity of metabolic processes, brings a feeling of physical peace and mental balance. The main effect of hot stones on the body is caused by vasodilation and hyperemia, which improves local blood circulation, increases metabolism, and speeds up the removal of metabolic products.
DURATION: 60 / 90 minutes
38 000 tg. / 40 000 tg.
DURATION: 60 / 90 minutes
43 000 tg. / 45 000 tg.