Massage for pregnant women

Massage for pregnant women is a pleasant and useful session that is an alternative to physical exercise. It has a positive effect on the skin, relaxes the body, and improves the mood of the expectant mother.

Massage for pregnant women can be done in the absence of contraindications, starting from the 3rd to the 7th month.

At different stages, the massage style is different: in the fifth month of pregnancy, it is done on the side. In any case, this massage is gentler than the classic massage. It excludes impact on the lower back and feet.

Pregnant women can do SPA programs, but there are also recommendations on timing, namely: preferably the second trimester because this is the safest period.

Our spa programs for pregnant women include the Eastern Delight and Renewal (120 min) programs.

Our saunas are specially designed to be at low comfortable temperatures, in which short-term steaming is safe.

Wrapping is absolutely not recommended for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy.

60 / 90 min.

28 000 tg. / 36 000 tg.

Massage for pregnant women

Massage for pregnant women is a pleasant and useful session that is an alternative to physical exercise. It has a positive effect on the skin, relaxes the body, and improves the mood of the expectant mother.

Massage for pregnant women can be done in the absence of contraindications, starting from the 3rd to the 7th month.

At different stages, the massage style is different: in the fifth month of pregnancy, it is done on the side. In any case, this massage is gentler than the classic massage. It excludes impact on the lower back and feet.

Pregnant women can do SPA programs, but there are also recommendations on timing, namely: preferably the second trimester because this is the safest period.

Our spa programs for pregnant women include the Eastern Delight and Renewal (120 min) programs.

Our saunas are specially designed to be at low comfortable temperatures, in which short-term steaming is safe.

Wrapping is absolutely not recommended for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy.

60 / 90 min.

28 000 tg. / 36 000 tg.